
The Magic of Words

The Magic of Words

Ever been in a situation where you're lost for words? It happens to the best of us. But here's the thing: words have magic powers. They can stir emotion, compel action, and even change the course of a deal.

Do You Fit Your Oxygen Mask First?

This time of year can be tough. Cold. Dark. Wet. That's certainly how it feels in Yorkshire right now! As leaders, we have to help ourselves first.

We can't support our teams if we're not firing on all cylinders. My recent conversations with clients suggest that for a lot of people, things are a little out of kilter. What do you do to bring back the balance?

#leadership #impact #resilience

Don't Be Afraid Of Video.

There's a powerful tool that everyone has access to but few people are using. It has the potential of video to captivate audiences inside and outside your organisation.

If the thought of hitting the record button fills you with dread, don't despair. In this video, I share some simple rules that will transform your video content. Let's make your videos shine!

#IMPACT #Communication #Leadership #Sales #Videocontent"

Stand Up.

Feeling drained by endless Zoom and Teams meetings? Let's chat about a simple trick that might help you change things up a bit - standing up! It's more than just changing your position; it brings a fresh wave of energy to your discussions and helps you connect with your audience more authentically.

Think of it like this: when you're standing, you're 'performing', and that performance can be a game-changer for your pitches and presentations, whether you're working remotely or in the office.

#IMPACT #EnergyBoost #LeadershipTips

How To Win Hearts And Minds.

Do you want to connect with your audience on a deeper level?
If so, you need to engage both the logical and emotional brain in order to create a stronger bond with your listeners.
By sharing personal stories and being vulnerable, you can capture their hearts and achieve faster results.
No more dull presentations, just effective communication that resonates with your audience.

Watch the video now! 👇

#IMPACT #Communication #Storytelling #DeeperConnection

Don't Answer The Question.

Do you get flustered by difficult questions in high-stakes situations? When we find ourselves under pressure we can often go into overdrive. We can open our mouths to start speaking before our brains have had a chance to catch up. We waffle and talk around the question rather than getting straight to the point. Here are my top tips for coming across with more poise and confidence when the pressure is on. It all starts with NOT answering the question!...

#IMPACT #Sales #Leadership

How Well Do You Know Your Audience?

When you're preparing a meeting, talk or presentation it’s all too easy to focus first on what you want to say, but that’s actually the wrong place to start. It’s not about the words you use.

Press Play on this quick video for a different approach…

#dominiccolenso #impact #communication

Facts Tell, Stories Sell.

Never let the facts get in the way of a good story. That’s usually meant as a criticism of politicians or sensationalist journalism but it makes an important point.

Humans are hard-wired to respond emotionally to a powerful, evocative story. So why do we so often abandon that in our sales conversations?

Want to strike the right balance between data and narrative? I’ll show you how in this video.

#IMPACT #Leadership #Breathe

A Coffee With... Dominic Colenso

A Coffee With... Dominic Colenso

Here’s Dominic talking to “Inspirational Speaker’s” for their podcast series “A Coffee With…” Dominic shares what he has learned from his ups and downs in show business and how these experiences have shaped him as a coach.