Don't Answer The Question.

Do you get flustered by difficult questions in high-stakes situations? When we find ourselves under pressure we can often go into overdrive. We can open our mouths to start speaking before our brains have had a chance to catch up. We waffle and talk around the question rather than getting straight to the point. Here are my top tips for coming across with more poise and confidence when the pressure is on. It all starts with NOT answering the question!...

#IMPACT #Sales #Leadership

A Hack For Taking Back Your Time.

How often do you find yourself doing something that you didn't intend to do? Checking your email? Scrolling through your socials? Sending a quick message? All of these tiny things eat our time. And tiny things add up.

I've just discovered a stupidly simple hack that's revolutionised my productivity over the last two weeks. I bet you won't guess what it is. Watch the video below to find out! 👇

#IMPACT #Productivity #Leadership

What Makes A Speech Memorable?

What do these speeches have in common? Churchill’s wartime broadcasts; Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream”; the Gettysburg Address; Obama’s “Yes, we can” and even Margret Thatcher’s “The lady’s not for turning”. 

Don’t panic, this isn’t going to be a political rant. All of these have some common elements that make them memorable and move people to change their thinking and take action. It’s probably not what you think it is at first glance. Check out the video for more.

#dominiccolenso #impact #communication

How Is A Meeting Like A Dinner Party?

Tired of attending pointless meetings when you could be doing something more productive? If that’s how you feel, wouldn’t you like to make sure that doesn’t happen to the people who attend meetings you arrange?

What if you planned your next meeting the way you plan a dinner party?

#dominiccolenso #impact #communication

How Well Do You Know Your Audience?

When you're preparing a meeting, talk or presentation it’s all too easy to focus first on what you want to say, but that’s actually the wrong place to start. It’s not about the words you use.

Press Play on this quick video for a different approach…

#dominiccolenso #impact #communication

Don’t Ruin Your Sales Pitch.

Have you ever found yourself on the wrong end of a presentation that failed to engage you? There’s something wrong but you just can’t put your finger on it and you tune out.

It happens when the presenter makes one of the biggest and most common mistakes that can cause a pitch or presentation to flop. You don’t want this to happen to your next sales pitch.

Want to know what that mistake is and a simple action you can take to make sure it never happens to you - or your audience?

Press  PLAY or a solution born of decades of experience on stage and in front of the camera.

#dominiccolenso #sales #impact

Do You Know How To Use The Hardest Word In English?

One of the hardest words in English is also one of the shortest and one of the most powerful.

It takes a millisecond to say and when you use it correctly it will be the key to relief from many of the stresses we tend to bring upon ourselves.

Want to press play?

#dominiccolenso #resilience #communication

Do You Get Compliance Or Commitment?

Leaders and sales professionals spend the bulk of their time communicating with other people, usually with the intention that they will do something. Get a task finished or make a buying decision.

The way you choose to communicate has a huge impact on the quality of the relationship and how your audience will respond next time.

Essentially you have two options open to you. I’ll touch on each of them in this video so you can work out which is likely to have the best results.

#dominiccolenso #sales #leadership