
Own Your Space: Harnessing the Power of Your Personal Bubble.

Own Your Space: Harnessing the Power of Your Personal Bubble.

Imagine you're walking around in a protective bubble. Sounds a bit sci-fi, right? But this bubble is your personal space, your sphere of influence. Now, what happens when you let that bubble collapse?

What Makes A Speech Memorable?

What do these speeches have in common? Churchill’s wartime broadcasts; Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream”; the Gettysburg Address; Obama’s “Yes, we can” and even Margret Thatcher’s “The lady’s not for turning”. 

Don’t panic, this isn’t going to be a political rant. All of these have some common elements that make them memorable and move people to change their thinking and take action. It’s probably not what you think it is at first glance. Check out the video for more.

#dominiccolenso #impact #communication

The Logical Next Step.

Sales professionals are usually pretty ambitious people who work hard to close deals and hit their targets. Those very strengths can sometimes get in the way.

In this quick video, I’ll show you the common sales habit that will spoil a great presentation and risk killing off a good deal and what to do instead. We’ve all done it so don’t feel bad if this resonates.


#dominiccolenso #sales #impact

What Do Meetings And Dinner Parties Have In Common?

What Do Meetings And Dinner Parties Have In Common?

What do meetings and dinner parties have in common? If you want to make your meetings more effective and enjoyable watch my latest #TopTips video to find out!

Wot The Book! - IMPACT with Dominic Colenso

Wot The Book! - IMPACT with Dominic Colenso

What can auditioning for drama school teach you about business? Dominic reveals all on the 'Wot The Book' Podcast. To have a listen…

The Leadership Vaccine Podcast

The Leadership Vaccine Podcast

I had the pleasure of being the first guest on the brilliant Rebecca Godfrey’s podcast - The Leadership Vaccine. We talk about the importance of creating an impact as a leader and why communication is so vital for your success.