The Essential Warm-Up for Peak Performance

Imagine you're about to make a critical sales pitch. You've rehearsed the slides, memorised the data, but have you warmed up your most important instrument—yourself? Just like athletes warm up before a game, I believe that all professionals should warm up before a big moment.

Start with your body. If your body is tense, your voice and mind will follow suit. A few shoulder rolls or deep breaths can go a long way. Next, your voice. A couple of humming exercises can help you find your natural tone. Finally, your mind. A quick visualisation exercise can set you in the right mindset.

Why is this warm-up so crucial? Because it prepares you to be fully present and impactful. It's not just about avoiding mistakes; it's about maximising your performance.

So, the next time you have an important meeting or presentation, don't just prepare—warm up. It's time to bring your A-game every time.